Jerry Mosbacher
Accredited Hospices of America is specialized type of care for those facing a life-limiting illness, their families and their caregivers.
Accredited Hospices of America care addresses the patient’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.
Accredited Hospices of America care also helps the patient’s family caregivers.
Accredited Hospices of America care takes place in the patient’s home or in a home-like setting.
Accredited Hospices of America care concentrates on managing a patient’s pain and other symptoms so that the patient may live as comfortable as possible and make the most of the time that remains.
Accredited Hospices of America care believes the quality of life to be as important as length of life.
Choosing to elect hospice care is an important decision that can greatly benefit the quality of life for a patient with a life-limiting illness in addition to proving support to a patient’s family during a difficult time.
To help you better understand how hospice care can benefit you or a loved one, we recommend that you review our list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) listed below:
Is hospice for those with cancer only?
No, Hospice patients are living with a wide range of diagnoses including heart disease, cancer, dementia, lung disease and others. However, regardless of a patient’s condition or age hospices open their doors and their hearts to all persons diagnosed with life-limiting illnesses and their families.
Hospice is NOT a place.
Hospice services can be provided to a person with limited life expectancy and his/her family, wherever they live. This means a patient living in a nursing facility or long-term care facility and his/her family can receive specialized visits/contacts from physicians, nurses, aides, chaplains, social workers, and volunteers, in addition to other care and services provided by the nursing facility. The hospice and nursing home will have a written agreement in place in order for the hospice to serve residents of the facility.
How does hospice care begin?
Typically, hospice care starts as soon as a formal request or a ‘referral’ is made. Accredited Hospices of America will visit the patient within 48 hours of referral, pending the physician’s approval, providing the visit meets the needs and schedule of the patient and family/primary caregiver. Hospice care begins within a day of two of referral. However, in urgent situations, hospice services may begin sooner. The patient of a family member may “self-refer” and request an evaluation for eligibility for receiving hospice services.
What specific assistance does hospice provide?
Accredited Hospices of America hospice patients and their families are cared for by a team of doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors, aides, spiritual, caregivers, therapist, and volunteers- working together in a team to address the patient’s and family’s identified needs. In addition, hospices help provide medications, supplies, equipment, hospital services, and additional helpers in the home, as appropriate.
How does hospice manage pain?
Accredited Hospices of America’s nurses and physicians are experts in the latest medications and devices for pain and symptom relief. In addition, physical and occupational therapists assist patients to be as mobile and self-sufficient as possible, and they are often joined by specialists schooled in music therapy, are therapy, diet counseling,and other therapies. Accredited hospices of America believes that emotional and spiritual pain are just as real and in need of attention as physical pain, so it addresses these, as well. Counselors, including spiritual caregivers, are available.
Is there any special equipment or changes I have to make in my home before hospice care begins?
Accredited Hospices of America will asses your needs, recommend any necessary equipment, and help make arrangements to obtain it. Often the need for equipment is minimal at first and increases as the patient’s needs change.
Is hospice covered by insurance?
Hospice coverage is widely available provided by Medicare nationwide, by Medicaid in Texas, and by most private health insurance policies. To be sure of coverage, families should, of course, check with their employer or health insurance provider.
If the patient is eligible for Medicare, will there be any additional expenses to be paid?
Medicare covers all services and supplies related to the life-limiting illness for the hospice patient. In some hospices, the patient may be required to pay a 5% “co-payment” on mediation and a 5% co-payment for respite care.
When should a decision about entering a hospice Program be made and who should make it?
At any time during a life-limiting illness, it is appropriate to discuss all of a patient’s care options, including hospice. By law the decision belongs to the patient. Because hospice care includes family members and other caregivers, they are also considered an important part of the decision-making process. Sometimes, people have concerns about changing the focus of care from disease-modifying to focus on comfort care and quality of life. Accredited Hospices of America’s staff members are highly sensitive to these concerns and are always available to discuss them with the patient, family and physician.
What is Palliative Care?
If you are not familiar with the term ”palliative” care, it is a medial specialty focused on managing the physical and emotional impact of serious illness. Sometimes people think palliative and hospice care are synonymous. They are not. Some organizations provided both hospice and palliative care. Hospice is a specific branch of palliative care for those with a terminal diagnosis. It is important to know you DO NOT have to forgo curative treatment or have a terminal diagnosis to receive palliative care.